Tuesday, June 14, 2011

So much cantasticism, so little time...

It's been a while--I trust your adventures have been as Cantastic as ever. Let's jump right back into things, it's festival season and there's no time to frig around.

North by Northeast June 13-19
Whether you buy/snag a pass or just hit the freebies, you're in for a delicious week. Check out the NXNE website and have your eyes roll out at the sheer number of delicious bands performing all over this great city. Cool free shows going on every day at Yonge and Dundas square and quite a few free parties, here are some of the most promising:

THURSDAY JUNE 16th, 2011
The Verge on XM Rooftop Party Skybar, 132 Queens Quay East, 3-7
Click the link to RSVP to what promises to be a fantastic afternoon: Hollerado, Zeus, Dinosaur Bones and Washington, what more could you ask for? Also, to download Zeus's album "Say Us" for free, click right here.
SATURDAY JUNE 18th, 2011
Montreal is double fisting Toronto with two supersweet Samedi parties. or les partays, as they don't say in French. These are FREEEEE to the general public, so feel free to RSVP and fete your ass off.

Pop your Red Bull Rooftop Party 381 Queen Street W. brought to you by the pop Montreal folks, this one's 3-6 pm and looks like a nice day-drunk opportunity before the shows start up again! Free beer? YUP. Click the link for the FB invite link or RSVP to cora AT popmontreal DOT com.

M for Montreal/Brooklyn Vegan's Bruise Cruise 207 Queen's Quay W. 1:30-5 NYC and MTL and our home n' native Trawna get together to get fucked up on a boat, featuring Fucked Up's own Young Govenor (Ben Cook) and some other tasty shit, including free cocktails for NXNE badgeholders.

I'll be updating the @cantasticvoyage and @lindiglo twitters with updates from the fest as it happens, but here are some shows I want to hit tomorrow, Wednesday June 15, 2011.

Lava & Ash at Velvet Underground, 11 pm.
Curtis Tone is a good friend and drummer for no less than three active bands. I've seen them all play but it's kinda hard to keep them apart. If I'm not mistaken, Lava and Ash is the one without the trumpet (That's Seymour) and without Ejay Monzones (Surf punk outfit Toxic Deathula) But at any rate, any one of his bands is a safe bet. Punk's not dead because Curtis Tone is alive.

Chuck Ragan at El Mocambo upstairs, 12 AM
K, so this isn't Cantastic, but it's happening in Canada so it still kinda counts. Chuck plays twice this week, solo and fronting for Hot Water Music. This one's open to nxne passes but you'll want to get there early...

Other cool shit to check out...

Burlington Sound of Music
festival June 16-19, Waterfront, Downtown Burlington. FREE. One good reason to take the GO to Burlington, the Sound of Music never disappoints. This year CV favourites Hollerado, Tokyo Police Club, Bedouin Soundclash and The Salads all rock out alongside cool local vendors and a midway, featuring perennial favourite (and occasional tummy plunger) the GRAVITRON!!

Rebel Emergency's C
D Release Party June 24th at the Sound Academy. FREE. Still buzzed from their cross-country Joint Venture tour with KO and Daniel Wesley, the boys'll debut their newest "Aphrodisiology" next Friday at the Sound Academy. Click the link to sign up for FREEEEE guestlist to what promises to be a panty-melting show. All signs point to this album being fantastic. They've released three songs for you to preview and enjoy, check em out:
Up All Night
Picture This
Lion in a Cage (featuring KO)

A great big USS tour update is coming soon before I leave for Three Rivahhhs...so stay tuned or keep refreshing or however it is that people follow blogs.
Until then,
Stay Cantastic,
Linda Julia Paolucci